Mud Volleyball Winning Team
The winning mud volleyball team at the 2008 Montgomery Turkey Trot. Flounders Pounders. Team members were, front row from left; Megan Knepp, Liza Denson and Lincoln Knepp. Back row; Jamie Knepp, Ryan Wirtz, Darrin Wilcher, Dr. Adam Traylor and Ryan Knepp. The winning mud volleyball team at the 2008 Montgomery Turkey Trot. Flounders Pounder
Turkey Race Winner
2008 Turkey Trot Chairman DeWayne Shake presents Cameron Kavanaugh with his first place trophy as the winner of the championship turkey race with a time of 18:20. Cameron is the son of Michael and Michelle Kavanaugh of Cannelburg. Cameron is a fourth grader at Barr Reeve and won a $200 savings bond.
2008 Service Awards
Service Award Winners for 2008 was Larry Wilcher [left] and Rick Dosher [right]. The presentation was made by Turkey Trot Chairman Dewayne Shake [center].