Turkey Racing

Racing Flag

Written By: Louis Kavanaugh Jr.

Published May 30, 2022

Turkey Racing Rules 

Racing regulations for the Turkey Trot Festival will remain nearly the same as in previous years. However, a clarification in Rule No.1 is in order. To be eligible for turkey racing championship awards and recognition, the jockey must be the only person attempting to jockey the bird. Young jockeys who must have assistance will be placed in separate heats and will still be eligible for heat awards but not for semi-finals or the championship heat.

The complete list of Turkey Trot Racing Regulations are as follows:

  1. To be eligible as a turkey racing championship jockey, the participant must be in their 8th grade year of schooling or younger. In addition, the jockey must be the only person attempting to jockey the bird. Young jockey who must have assistance will be eligible for their first heat awards but not for semi-final heats or the championship heat.
  2. The trials will be run on Thursday and Friday to determine the fastest 25 turkeys to race in the semi-finals. Each heat race will consist of 5 entrants.
  3. Prize money of $15.00 will be awarded to the jockey with the fastest bird; $10.00, 2nd fastest; $5.00 third fastest, on Thursday and Friday- Saturday Heat Winners will receive Trophies. Sunday Winner receives $100 cash; 2nd place $50.00 cash and 3rd place, $25.00 cash.
  4. Birds racing in semi-final races will be determined by the fastest times in the trial heats held on Thursday and Friday nights.
  5. The winner from each of the five semi-final heats will race in the final race at12:15 P.M. Sunday.
  6. Individual timers will be assigned to the birds in all races.
  7. Race track length will be 200 feet on the grandstand track unless weather conditions force a change in location. The track bas been defined as that total area within the tires and or fences, and birds are permitted to run anywhere within that area.
  8. If the bird leaves the track he is disqualified-this includes Right by bird or carrying by jockey.
  9. Every turkey will be on leash at all times. The maximum length of leash is 10 feet.
  10. There will be no artificial or mechanical stimulation of turkeys. The GENTLE touch of the jockey’s hand may be applied to start the bird. However, no abuses of the bird will be tolerated. The timers will watch for this very closely.
  11. There will be no person or items (except costumes or leash) touching the turkey during the race.
  12. The race will be started by a starting pistol or whistle.
  13. Jockeys must maintain control of bird at all times. Jockeys must remain behind birds during races. Birds may not be led or pulled down the track.


Turkey Racing Speed Chart

For the benefit of the serious turkey trot racing enthusiast, the Turkey Trot Festival Staff has devised a speed chart to properly identify the racing potential of a turkey racer. Simply time the bird using any standard stop watch, then find the time and its corresponding speed on the chart.

Any bird covering the 200 feet of track (more or less) faster than 15 seconds is more likely a road runner not a turkey,and shouldbe disqualified. Any bird slower than 35 seconds belongs in an old turkey’shome.

Turkey Racing Speed

Turkey Racing Heats

Qualifying Heats

Thursday – 6:00 P.M.
Friday – 6:30 P.M.


Saturday – 6:15 P.M.


Sunday – 12:15 P.M.

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