Montgomery Ruritan Club Observes 25th Anniversary

25 Anniversary Presidents

Written By: Louis Kavanaugh Jr.

Published May 23, 2022

The following was taken from a newspaper article that appeared in the Tri-County News by Pat O’Connor on November 14, 1985. This newspaper clipping was given to the Ruritan by Darla “Schnarr” Truelove who found this article in her Father Clyde Schnarr’s personnal effects. Clyde Schnarr was President of the Ruritan Club in 1970 and on the Board of Directors.
The original newspaper article appears on “The Early History of the Ruritan Club” and under “I Ruritan Club Beginning (1961) page 17. This has been retyped as it may be easier to read. Thanks to Darla for sharing this

The Montgomery Ruritan Club celebrates their 25th anniversary this year. The annual Appreciation Dinner and Ladies Night was held Saturday, Nov. 9, at the Montgomery Community Building in the Ruritan Park, with approximately 150 people in attendance.

At this time, the meeting was turned back over to the club secretary, Joe Rademacher, who talked about the 25th anniversary of the Ruritan Club. The officers thought it would be appropriate to do something in recognition of those who not only instigative in getting the club organized, but also in keeping it going. He pointed out that on the speaker’s tables were plaques honoring. the charter members of the club. At the onset, the idea was to get people organized in planning and developing a lake on the northeast side of Montgomery. That was in 1960. From that point on, the park has been the major project of the Ruritan Club, which has also done many other things to benefit not only the town of Montgomery, but also Daviess County. The club was chartered in 1960, and there is a plaque on the wall which holds the signatures of all charter members. In February of 1961, plans were announced for the building of the lake; the club was incorporated in 1965; and the dam on the lake was completed in July of 1966. There were club members working for six years to get the dam completed. The park opened on Memorial Day of 1967; the signs on the highway were built in 1968, the Turkey Trot Festival started in 1972; the community building was built in 1977 and in 1984, the club had the house built for the park managers, by the Twin Rivers Building Trades students, who always do a good job of· construction under the direction of Paul Miller.

Rademacher said that in looking back through the secretary’ s reports from 1965 to 1985, the club was in debt at that time about $26,000 in 1965, and close to $27,000 in 1985. He added it seems as though they are at least staying pretty close to even. Rademacher also stated that in most places of business, if a person works 25 years, they receive a watch or something as a gift. There are 10 people who have been members of the club for all of these 25 years, have been through everything that has gone on, and who were a big part in getting things rolling. These ten members each received a plaque reading “In appreciation of 25 years of service, 1960 to 1985, and a charter member of the Montgomery Ruritan Club”. Accepting the plaques were Walter Downey (not present), Bernard Duncheon, Charles Hart, Odius Hinkle, Fred Murphy (accepted by his wife, Loretta Murphy), Chris O’Brian, Jim 0′ Brian, Jim Parsons, Leo Ryan and Joe Traylor.

Jim Traylor next introduced the past presidents, asking them to come forward,. starting off with the first president, Joe Arvin, who gave an interesting view of his feelings that first year. Joe Arvin was selected as the first president in 1961 He told of the first meeting, during the nominations, when someone nominated him. He sad he went into total shock at that time, and didn’t remember anything about it. ·Somebody finally punched him and informed him “We have a new president”. When Joe, looking up in surprise, asked who, the answer he heard was “You!” He went on to tell how they tried to do some long range planning on the camping area. In the beginning they had planned on 15 campsites, and each campsite had a hedge fence around it to insure privacy. The first year, someone complained that a little kid jumped over the hedge onto their lot. They started after that to get more campers each year and the hedge fence went down the drain. He said it is everyone’s privilege to change his mind, and the Ruritan Club has done a lot of changing and made a lot of improvements over the past 25 years. Their first activity was a picnic in Dages Grove on the highway.

In 25 years, no man has been president more than one time, and Traylor feels this is a great accomplishment, and in the 26th year, they will have still another president. The second president was Harold Perkins in 1962; 1963, Tom Jones; 1964, Charles Steiner, 1965, Joe Traylor, 1966, Charles Hart; 1967, Jim Nolley, 1968, Bob Showalter, 1969, Chris. O’Brian, 1970, Clyde Schnarr, 1971, Ralph Dages, 1972, Bob Elliott, 1973, Jim O’Brian, 1974, Hank Wittmer, 1975, Albert Kavanaugh, 1976, George Nolan, 1977, Paul Miller, 1978, Ed Theroff, 1979, Jack Craney, 1980, Gary Graber, 1981, P.V. Steiner, 1982 John Hart, 1983, Jim Truelove, 1984, Darrell Eaton; and 1985, Jim Traylor.

All of the ladies present signed a book for the attendance prize, and the names drawn were Karen Kane and Genny Riney.

Next year’s officers are Bob Ellis, board of directors; Mike Healy, secretary, Bernard Harner, treasurer, Donald Craney, vice-president; and Russ Titzer, president. Traylor congratulated the new officers, and told them that in the next 25 years, they would recognize them for their years of service to a wonderful cause.

25 Anniversary Carter

Plaques were awarded to ten charter members of the Montgomery Ruritan Club on the occasion of the 25th birthday anniversary of the organization. Pictured are (left to right) Joe Traylor, Leo Ryan, Jim Parsons, Jim O’Brian, Chris O’Brian, Loretta Murphy (accepting for her late husband, Fred Murphy), Odius Hinkle, Charles Hart and Bernard Duncheon. Walter Downey was unable to be present for the picture. (Tri-County News Photos by Patricia O’Connor) By Patricia O’Connor

25 Anniversary Presidents

Pictured above are the Ruritan Club Presidents from 1961 through 1972. Left to right, seated, Jim Nolley, Chris O’Br ian, Joe Traylor, Harold Perkins and Joe Arvin. Standing, Jim O’Brian, Bob Elliott, Ralph Dages, Clyde Schnarr, Bob Showalter and Charles Hart. Not pictured, Tom Jones and Charles Steiner

25 Anniversary Presidents 02

Presidents of the Ruritan club from 1973 through 1985 included (left to right), seated, Jim Traylor, John Hart, P.V. Steiner, Jim Truelove, Jack Craney and Gary Graber. Standing, Darrell Eaton, Ed Theroff, Hank Wittmer, Albert K avanaugh, George Nolan and Paul Miller.

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