Joe Arvin 1915-1995Louis Clements 1904-1978Virgil Clements 1914-1978Daniel L Colvin 1950 - 2008Donald W. Craney...
Ruritan History Articles
Ruritans Dedicate New Flagpole
O’Brian, a decorated World War II veteran and a past president of the Montgomery Ruritan Club, was chosen to perform...
Ruritan National Presents 50th Anniversary Certificate
Shown above is Beverly Tanner (right) representing Ruritan National as she presents the 50th Anniversary Certificate...
Ruritan Club 45th Anniversary Recognized
In early 2006, the Montgomery Ruritan Club was recognized by Ruritan National for 45 years of service to the Montgomery area and the Daviess County Community. The Montgomery Ruritan Club was chartered in December of 1960 with 29 area men signing the original club...
Distinguished Community Service Award Recipients
The “Distinguished Community Service Award” was first awarded in 1977 to Fred Murphy, a member of the Montgomery Ruritan Club, and Ron Myers, a member of the Daviess County Chamber of Commerce. That practice was followed for several years. However, since the Turkey...
Ruritan Club – What it Stands For
Taking pride in its past achievements and with faith in the future, the Montgomery Ruritan Club is dedicated to the community's betterment. Chartered in 1960, the Montgomery Ruritan Club has set a standard for community leadership and progress that is second to none....
Montgomery Ruritan Club Observes 25th Anniversary
The following was taken from a newspaper article that appeared in the Tri-County News by Pat O'Connor on November 14, 1985. This newspaper clipping was given to the Ruritan by Darla "Schnarr" Truelove who found this article in her Father Clyde Schnarr's personnal...
Past Presidents of the Ruritan Club
1961-PresentIn its history, the Montgomery Ruritan Club has had many different community individuals who have served as president of the club. These different civic minded individuals represent a wide range of professional and personal backgrounds. Regardless of the...
Montgomery Ruritan Club Observes 40th Anniversary
In November 2000, the Montgomery Ruritan Club used the occasion of its annual Turkey Trot Appreciation Night to mark its 40th anniversary year by recognizing and honoring the 40 men who had served as club president. Deron Steiner, club president, was master of...
Past and Present Chairmen of the Turkey Trot
Forty-five years of Turkey Trot Festivals happenings have generated some special traditions. The festival has always had excellent leadership and organization provided by several persons who have served as festival chairman. The chairman who has represented the...